
I have loved too much
But have not been loved enough…

This is where my heart rests…
This is who I became:

ONCE, I was a girl, dreaming UPON A love; in TIME
Woke up as a woman, in a nightmare of pain.

Mistreated love, conditions the heart
To pump out hate…

It’s not right,
But it’s an even exchange…

Because in love and war,
ALL is fair game.


Pain Is Easy

I can’t help it…
I have a pain in my heart,
The more I try to dissect it
It breaks me apart.
I’m constantly lying to myself:
One day I’ll fall in love through a kiss
But I had a negative reaction to the spell.
I try to fix my broken heart
In these poems-
But all they do is emphasize that
I’ve always been in love…alone.
Shakespeare said, “What’s in a name?
That which we call a rose by any other
Name would smell as sweet.”
Well…love is pain and it’s all the same bitter scent to me.
Would Romeo and Juliet
Stand a chance if they could’ve been together?
Would their story make such an impact
If the clock was set to forever?
I wasn’t always this way
I used to believe in magic-
But love experienced me to say
That it is nothing else but tragic.
I used to anticipate first kisses
That’ll lead me to becoming a Mrs.
But when I gave my heart-
It was returned drained and in pieces.
Why do I fall in love with
These blood-sucking leeches?
I tried being a “good woman,”
Be loyal to a man
Accept his flaws, make him beautiful
Be as understanding as I can.
But what did love do for me?
Infect me with ills. My prescription
Is to swallow this fucking bitter pill. So
I rather deal with the pain.To know nothing is
Meant to last. That people fall out of
Love and their future becomes a past.
Pain is easy, I’ve learn to sabotage
Any potential. If I feel caterpillars about
To transform to butterflies, I fuck up and
Make it look accidental. Pain is easy,
I’m in a long-lasting relationship with sadness.
It has made me realistic and forget love
And all its madness.
