Dear John

Dear John,
I hope this letter finds you well. It’s been a while since I’ve reached out to you. I guess that’s what happens when deception and infidelity replace love and commitment. As you know your actions sparked an inevitable reaction: hate. I became an ugly version of myself but now I’ll assume the role I’ve been trained to play: love’s antagonist. I never wanted to be in a relationship and I never needed to feel loved by a man. I was satisfied with a cold heart and a warm body. I preferred the late-night romance that never made it to the morning; I’d trade hours of conversations for minutes of moaning.

But you tried so hard to claim a heart that was never meant to be yours. Even-though you wronged me, I was never right. It’s unfortunate what I learned from my father: how to spot a cheater. But even worse, how to become a cheater and not get caught. See, what you didn’t see was all the time I had on my hands…

Years before you could break my heart…I broke yours.
Your routine and rotation between me and her made it easier for me….and him.
So now as I live out my karma, it is time for me to give you the gift of yours…

Our last fall-out you told me to go write another poem. I did. This one is dedicated to you:

I fucked your brother—
His dick was better;
He made me wetter
Than you ever could.



Dear Side-chick…

In the confinement of a motel room
Did you expect him to fall in love?
I know you hoped and prayed that someday
Love would develop from lust.

Even though you knew about me
You couldn’t use that to your advantage.
You took my flaws and tried to perfect them all
But your intentions were hand-crafted.

You were desperate to own a “man”
That wasn’t worth keeping.
Now all the disloyalty I dealt with
Is yours for the reaping.

You were an option—at best #2
But without him and I there was never a chance for you.
I bet he didn’t tell you about his chick down south
Making plans to be with her while he was nutting in your mouth.

When I tried to reach out to you
I wanted us to help each other.
But you sold-out your womanhood
A thirsty attempt to claim your lover.

You gave up your self-respect, dignity, and worth
For a man who would never consider putting you first.
If he could break down the woman who helped mold him
What made you believe you had the power to hold him?

But I owe you my life—
If I didn’t learn about you,
I would have been his wife.

If it weren’t for you I would’ve never been freed
And I would’ve wasted more time
On a man that never deserved me.

So I thank you for going the extra mile,
For doing all the things I wouldn’t—
And for making my man smile.

Thank you for sharing someone I only wanted to myself
Thank you for being the easy way out when I put him through hell.
Most of all I THANK YOU for making him realize what he lost,
And for you being the woman that was not worth the risk at all.
