Dear John

Dear John,
I hope this letter finds you well. It’s been a while since I’ve reached out to you. I guess that’s what happens when deception and infidelity replace love and commitment. As you know your actions sparked an inevitable reaction: hate. I became an ugly version of myself but now I’ll assume the role I’ve been trained to play: love’s antagonist. I never wanted to be in a relationship and I never needed to feel loved by a man. I was satisfied with a cold heart and a warm body. I preferred the late-night romance that never made it to the morning; I’d trade hours of conversations for minutes of moaning.

But you tried so hard to claim a heart that was never meant to be yours. Even-though you wronged me, I was never right. It’s unfortunate what I learned from my father: how to spot a cheater. But even worse, how to become a cheater and not get caught. See, what you didn’t see was all the time I had on my hands…

Years before you could break my heart…I broke yours.
Your routine and rotation between me and her made it easier for me….and him.
So now as I live out my karma, it is time for me to give you the gift of yours…

Our last fall-out you told me to go write another poem. I did. This one is dedicated to you:

I fucked your brother—
His dick was better;
He made me wetter
Than you ever could.

